+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

XBP1 Protein (AA 1-185) (His tag)

Crystallography grade XBP1 Spezies: Human Wirt: Escherichia coli (E. coli) Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. WB, SDS, ELISA, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3113029
  • Target Alle XBP1 Proteine anzeigen
    XBP1 (X-Box Binding Protein 1 (XBP1))
    AA 1-185
    • 7
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1
    • 7
    • 2
    • 2
    • 1
    • 1
    Escherichia coli (E. coli)
    Aufreinigungstag / Konjugat
    Dieses XBP1 Protein ist gelabelt mit His tag.
    Western Blotting (WB), SDS-PAGE (SDS), ELISA, Crystallization (Crys)
    Sequence without tag. Tag location is at the discretion of the manufacturer. If you have a special request, please contact us.
    • Made in Germany - from design to production - by highly experienced protein experts.
    • Human XBP1 Protein (raised in E. Coli) purified by multi-step, protein-specific process to ensure crystallization grade.
    • State-of-the-art algorithm used for plasmid design (Gene synthesis).

    This protein is a made to order protein and will be made for the first time for your order. Our experts in the lab will ensure that you receive a correctly folded protein.

    The big advantage of ordering our made-to-order proteins in comparison to ordering custom made proteins from other companies is that there is no financial obligation in case the protein cannot be expressed or purified.

    In the unlikely event that the protein cannot be expressed or purified we do not charge anything (other companies might charge you for any performed steps in the expression process for custom-made proteins, e.g. fees might apply for the expression plasmid, the first expression experiments or purification optimization).

    When you order this made-to-order protein you will only pay upon receival of the correctly folded protein. With no financial risk on your end you can rest assured that our experienced protein experts will do everything to make sure that you receive the protein you ordered.

    The concentration of our recombinant proteins is measured using the absorbance at 280nm. The protein's absorbance will be measured in several dilutions and is measured against its specific reference buffer.

    The concentration of the protein is calculated using its specific absorption coefficient. We use the Expasy's protparam tool to determine the absorption coefficient of each protein.

    Two step purification of proteins expressed in bacterial culture:
    1. In a first purification step, the protein is purified from the cleared cell lysate using three different His-tag capture materials: high yield, EDTA resistant, or DTT resistant. Eluate fractions are analyzed by SDS-PAGE.
    2. Protein containing fractions of the best purification are subjected to second purification step through size exclusion chromatography. Eluate fractions are analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot.
    >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot.
    0.22 μm filtered
    Endotoxin has not been removed. Please contact us if you require endotoxin removal.
    Crystallography grade
    Top Product
    Discover our top product XBP1 Protein
  • Applikationshinweise
    In addition to the applications listed above we expect the protein to work for functional studies as well. As the protein has not been tested for functional studies yet we cannot offer a gurantee though.

    In cases in which it is highly likely that the recombinant protein with the default tag will be insoluble our protein lab may suggest a higher molecular weight tag (e.g. GST-tag) instead to increase solubility. We will discuss all possible options with you in detail to assure that you receive your protein of interest.

    Nur für Forschungszwecke einsetzbar
  • Format
    100 mM NaCL, 20 mM Hepes, 10% glycerol. pH value is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
    Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
    -80 °C
    Informationen zur Lagerung
    Store at -80°C.
    Unlimited (if stored properly)
  • Target
    XBP1 (X-Box Binding Protein 1 (XBP1))
    Andere Bezeichnung
    XBP1 (XBP1 Produkte)
    treb5 Protein, xXBP1 Protein, xbp2 Protein, XBP1P1 Protein, XBPP1 Protein, xbp1 Protein, TREB5 Protein, XBP-1 Protein, XBP2 Protein, D11Ertd39e Protein, TREB-5 Protein, HTF Protein, cb918 Protein, id:ibd1195 Protein, trebf Protein, wu:fb02h05 Protein, wu:fb63f10 Protein, xbp1a Protein, xbp1b Protein, X-box binding protein 1 Protein, X-box binding protein 1 L homeolog Protein, xbp1 Protein, XBP1 Protein, Xbp1 Protein, xbp1.L Protein
    Functions as a transcription factor during endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress by regulating the unfolded protein response (UPR). Required for cardiac myogenesis and hepatogenesis during embryonic development, and the development of secretory tissues such as exocrine pancreas and salivary gland (By similarity). Involved in terminal differentiation of B lymphocytes to plasma cells and production of immunoglobulins (PubMed:11460154). Modulates the cellular response to ER stress in a PIK3R-dependent manner (PubMed:20348923). Binds to the cis-acting X box present in the promoter regions of major histocompatibility complex class II genes (PubMed:8349596). Involved in VEGF-induced endothelial cell (EC) proliferation and retinal blood vessel formation during embryonic development but also for angiogenesis in adult tissues under ischemic conditions. Functions also as a major regulator of the UPR in obesity-induced insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes for the management of obesity and diabetes prevention (By similarity). {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:O35426, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11460154, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20348923, ECO:0000269|PubMed:8349596}., Isoform 1: plays a role in the unconventional cytoplasmic splicing processing of its own mRNA triggered by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) transmembrane endoribonuclease ENR1: upon ER stress, the emerging XBP1 polypeptide chain, as part of a mRNA-ribosome-nascent chain (R-RNC) complex, cotranslationally recruits its own unprocessed mRNA through transient docking to the ER membrane and translational pausing, therefore facilitating efficient IRE1-mediated XBP1 mRNA isoform 2 production (PubMed:19394296, PubMed:21233347). In endothelial cells (EC), associated with KDR, promotes IRE1-mediated XBP1 mRNA isoform 2 productions in a vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-dependent manner, leading to EC proliferation and angiogenesis (PubMed:23529610). Functions as a negative feed-back regulator of the potent transcription factor XBP1 isoform 2 protein levels through proteasome-mediated degradation, thus preventing the constitutive activation of the ER stress response signaling pathway (PubMed:16461360, PubMed:25239945). Inhibits the transactivation activity of XBP1 isoform 2 in myeloma cells (By similarity). Acts as a weak transcriptional factor (PubMed:8657566). Together with HDAC3, contributes to the activation of NFE2L2-mediated HMOX1 transcription factor gene expression in a PI(3)K/mTORC2/Akt-dependent signaling pathway leading to EC survival under disturbed flow/oxidative stress (PubMed:25190803). Binds to the ER stress response element (ERSE) upon ER stress (PubMed:11779464). Binds to the consensus 5'-GATGACGTG[TG]N(3)[AT]T-3' sequence related to cAMP responsive element (CRE)-like sequences (PubMed:8657566). Binds the Tax-responsive element (TRE) present in the long terminal repeat (LTR) of T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-I) and to the TPA response elements (TRE) (PubMed:2321018, PubMed:2196176, PubMed:1903538, PubMed:8657566). Associates preferentially to the HDAC3 gene promoter region in a static flow-dependent manner (PubMed:25190803). Binds to the CDH5/VE-cadherin gene promoter region (PubMed:19416856). {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:O35426, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11779464, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16461360, ECO:0000269|PubMed:1903538, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19394296, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19416856, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21233347, ECO:0000269|PubMed:2196176, ECO:0000269|PubMed:2321018, ECO:0000269|PubMed:23529610, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25190803, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25239945, ECO:0000269|PubMed:8657566}., Isoform 2: functions as a stress-inducible potent transcriptional activator during endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress by inducing unfolded protein response (UPR) target genes via binding to the UPR element (UPRE). Up-regulates target genes encoding ER chaperones and ER-associated degradation (ERAD) components to enhance the capacity of productive folding and degradation mechanism, respectively, in order to maintain the homeostasis of the ER under ER stress (PubMed:11779464, PubMed:25239945). Plays a role in the production of immunoglobulins and interleukin-6 in the presence of stimuli required for plasma cell differentiation (By similarity). Induces phospholipid biosynthesis and ER expansion (PubMed:15466483). Contributes to the VEGF-induced endothelial cell (EC) growth and proliferation in a Akt/GSK-dependent and/or -independent signaling pathway, respectively, leading to beta-catenin nuclear translocation and E2F2 gene expression (PubMed:23529610). Promotes umbilical vein EC apoptosis and atherosclerotisis development in a caspase-dependent signaling pathway, and contributes to VEGF-induced EC proliferation and angiogenesis in adult tissues under ischemic conditions (PubMed:19416856, PubMed:23529610). Involved in the regulation of endostatin-induced autophagy in EC through BECN1 transcriptional activation (PubMed:23184933). Plays a role as an oncogene by promoting tumor progression: stimulates zinc finger protein SNAI1 transcription to induce epithelial-to-mesenchymal (EMT) transition, cell migration and invasion of breast cancer cells (PubMed:25280941). Involved in adipocyte differentiation by regulating lipogenic gene expression during lactation. Plays a role in the survival of both dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), by maintaining protein homeostasis and of myeloma cells. Increases insulin sensitivity in the liver as a response to a high carbohydrate diet, resulting in improved glucose tolerance. Improves also glucose homeostasis in an ER stress- and/or insulin-independent manner through both binding and proteasome-induced degradation of the transcription factor FOXO1, hence resulting in suppression of gluconeogenic genes expression and in a reduction of blood glucose levels. Controls the induction of de novo fatty acid synthesis in hepatocytes by regulating the expression of a subset of lipogenic genes in an ER stress- and UPR-independent manner (By similarity). Associates preferentially to the HDAC3 gene promoter region in a disturbed flow-dependent manner (PubMed:25190803). Binds to the BECN1 gene promoter region (PubMed:23184933). Binds to the CDH5/VE-cadherin gene promoter region (PubMed:19416856). Binds to the ER stress response element (ERSE) upon ER stress (PubMed:11779464). Binds to the 5'-CCACG-3' motif in the PPARG promoter (By similarity). {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:O35426, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11779464, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15466483, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19416856, ECO:0000269|PubMed:23184933, ECO:0000269|PubMed:23529610, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25190803, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25239945, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25280941}.
    20.9 kDa Including tag.
    ER-Nucleus Signaling, Unfolded Protein Response
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