+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

EGFR Antikörper (PE)

EGFR Reaktivität: Human, Pferd FACS Wirt: Maus Monoclonal EGFR1 PE
Produktnummer ABIN1027691
  • Target Alle EGFR Antikörper anzeigen
    EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR))
    • 785
    • 322
    • 314
    • 25
    • 25
    • 24
    • 21
    • 14
    • 8
    • 3
    • 2
    • 2
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    Human, Pferd
    • 610
    • 179
    • 13
    • 11
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1
    • 573
    • 241
    • 2
    • 406
    • 63
    • 31
    • 25
    • 22
    • 21
    • 20
    • 20
    • 19
    • 19
    • 19
    • 15
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 8
    • 8
    • 5
    • 4
    • 4
    • 4
    • 4
    • 4
    • 2
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    Dieser EGFR Antikörper ist konjugiert mit PE
    • 543
    • 258
    • 151
    • 142
    • 125
    • 101
    • 93
    • 86
    • 81
    • 42
    • 37
    • 34
    • 33
    • 19
    • 12
    • 7
    • 6
    • 4
    • 4
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
    • 2
    • 2
    • 2
    • 2
    • 2
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    Flow Cytometry (FACS)
    The mouse monoclonal antibody EGFR1 reacts with extracellular domain of human protein kinase EGFR (ErbB1 / HER1), epitope within amino acids 6-273.
    Keine Kreuzreaktivität
    Maus, Ratte
    Kreuzreaktivität (Details)
    Human, Equine (Horse)
    Purified antibody is conjugated with R-phycoerythrin (PE) under optimum conditions. Unconjugated antibody and free fluorochrome are removed by size-exclusion chromatography.
    Human epidermoid carcinoma line A431
    IgG2b kappa
    Top Product
    Discover our top product EGFR Primärantikörper
  • Applikationshinweise
    Flow cytometry: The reagent is designed for analysis of human blood cells using 10 μL reagent / 100 μL of whole blood or 106 cells in a suspension. The content of a vial (1 ml) is sufficient for 100 tests.

    The purified antibody is conjugated with R-Phycoerythrin (PE) under optimum conditions. The conjugate is purified by size-exclusion chromatography and adjusted for direct use. No reconstitution is necessary.

    Nur für Forschungszwecke einsetzbar
  • Rekonstitution
    No reconstitution is necessary.
    Stabilizing phosphate buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4, 15 mM sodium azide
    Sodium azide
    This product contains Sodium azide: a POISONOUS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE which should be handled by trained staff only.
    Do not freeze.
    Avoid prolonged exposure to light.
    4 °C
    Informationen zur Lagerung
    Store at 2-8°C. Protect from prolonged exposure to light. Do not freeze.
  • Rebetz, Tian, Persson, Widegren, Salford, Englund, Gisselsson, Fan: "Glial progenitor-like phenotype in low-grade glioma and enhanced CD133-expression and neuronal lineage differentiation potential in high-grade glioma." in: PLoS ONE, Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. e1936, (2008) (PubMed).

    Fortunel, Hatzfeld, Rosemary, Ferraris, Monier, Haydont, Longuet, Brethon, Lim, Castiel, Schmidt, Hatzfeld: "Long-term expansion of human functional epidermal precursor cells: promotion of extensive amplification by low TGF-beta1 concentrations." in: Journal of cell science, Vol. 116, Issue Pt 19, pp. 4043-52, (2003) (PubMed).

    Aigner, Juhl, Malerczyk, Tkybusch, Benz, Czubayko: "Expression of a truncated 100 kDa HER2 splice variant acts as an endogenous inhibitor of tumour cell proliferation." in: Oncogene, Vol. 20, Issue 17, pp. 2101-11, (2001) (PubMed).

    Akiyama, Smith, Shimizu: "Changing patterns of localization of putative stem cells in developing human hair follicles." in: The Journal of investigative dermatology, Vol. 114, Issue 2, pp. 321-7, (2000) (PubMed).

  • Target
    EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR))
    Andere Bezeichnung
    EGFR (EGFR Produkte)
    C-erb antikoerper, CG10079 antikoerper, D-EGFR antikoerper, D-Egf antikoerper, DEGFR antikoerper, DER antikoerper, DER flb antikoerper, DER/EGFR antikoerper, DER/faint little ball antikoerper, DER/top antikoerper, DER/torpedo antikoerper, DER1 antikoerper, DEgfr antikoerper, Degfr antikoerper, Der antikoerper, DmHD-33 antikoerper, Dmel\\CG10079 antikoerper, EFG-R antikoerper, EGF-R antikoerper, EGFR antikoerper, EGFr antikoerper, EGfr antikoerper, EK2-6 antikoerper, Egf antikoerper, Egf-r antikoerper, EgfR antikoerper, El antikoerper, Elp antikoerper, Elp-1 antikoerper, Elp-B1 antikoerper, Elp-B1RB1 antikoerper, HD-33 antikoerper, TOP antikoerper, Torpedo/DER antikoerper, Torpedo/Egfr antikoerper, c-erbB antikoerper, d-egf-r antikoerper, dEGFR antikoerper, dEGFR1 antikoerper, dEgfr antikoerper, der antikoerper, egfr antikoerper, flb antikoerper, l(2)05351 antikoerper, l(2)09261 antikoerper, l(2)57DEFa antikoerper, l(2)57EFa antikoerper, l(2)57Ea antikoerper, mor1 antikoerper, top antikoerper, top/DER antikoerper, top/flb antikoerper, torpedo/Egfr antikoerper, torpedo/egfr antikoerper, EGFR12 antikoerper, EGFR15 antikoerper, egfr1 antikoerper, Erbb2 antikoerper, ERBB antikoerper, ERBB1 antikoerper, HER1 antikoerper, PIG61 antikoerper, mENA antikoerper, ErbB-1 antikoerper, Errp antikoerper, 9030024J15Rik antikoerper, AI552599 antikoerper, Erbb antikoerper, Errb1 antikoerper, Wa5 antikoerper, wa-2 antikoerper, wa2 antikoerper, epidermal growth factor receptor antikoerper, Epidermal growth factor receptor antikoerper, epidermal growth factor receptor a (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog, avian) antikoerper, EGFR antikoerper, Egfr antikoerper, egfra antikoerper, egfr1 antikoerper, LOC5564544 antikoerper
    Epidermal growth factor receptor,The oncoprotein EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor), also known as HER1 / ErbB1, is a member of ErbB family of cell surface receptor tyrosine kinases. This 170 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein is often associated with cancerogenesis, although its activation state is controlled at various levels including trafficking and degradation steps. Binding of receptor-specific ligands to the EGFR ectodomain results in formation of homodimeric or heterodimeric kinase-active complexes into which HER2 / ErbB2 is recruited as a preferred partner. Subsequent signaling cascades such as RAS/MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways lead to cell proliferation and survival responses.,EGF-R, Her1, ERBB1, PIG61, NISBD2
    NF-kappaB Signalweg, RTK Signalweg, Fc-epsilon Rezeptor Signalübertragung, EGFR Signaling Pathway, Neurotrophin Signalübertragung, Stem Cell Maintenance, Hepatitis C, Positive Regulation of Response to DNA Damage Stimulus, Interaction of EGFR with phospholipase C-gamma, Thromboxane A2 Receptor Signaling, EGFR Downregulation, S100 Proteine
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