+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

EGFR Antikörper

EGFR Reaktivität: Human, Maus, Ratte WB, IHC Wirt: Kaninchen Polyclonal unconjugated
Produktnummer ABIN1944913
  • Target Alle EGFR Antikörper anzeigen
    EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR))
    • 786
    • 322
    • 314
    • 25
    • 25
    • 24
    • 21
    • 14
    • 9
    • 3
    • 2
    • 2
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    Human, Maus, Ratte
    • 610
    • 180
    • 13
    • 11
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1
    • 573
    • 242
    • 2
    • 406
    • 63
    • 31
    • 25
    • 23
    • 21
    • 20
    • 20
    • 19
    • 19
    • 19
    • 15
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 8
    • 8
    • 5
    • 4
    • 4
    • 4
    • 4
    • 4
    • 2
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    Dieser EGFR Antikörper ist unkonjugiert
    • 543
    • 258
    • 151
    • 143
    • 125
    • 101
    • 93
    • 86
    • 81
    • 42
    • 37
    • 34
    • 33
    • 19
    • 12
    • 7
    • 6
    • 4
    • 4
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
    • 2
    • 2
    • 2
    • 2
    • 2
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    Western Blotting (WB), Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
    Top Product
    Discover our top product EGFR Primärantikörper
  • Applikationshinweise
    WB: 1:1000. WB: 1:1000. IHC: 1:50-1:100
    Nur für Forschungszwecke einsetzbar
  • Format
    Rabbit IgG in phosphate buffered saline (without Mg2+ and Ca2+), pH 7.4, 150mM NaCl, 0.02 % sodium azide and 50 % glycerol.
    Sodium azide
    WARNING: Reagents contain sodium azide. Sodium azide is very toxic if ingested or inhaled. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Wear eye or face protection when handling. If skin or eye contact occurs, wash with copious amounts of water. If ingested or inhaled, contact a physician immediately. Sodium azide yields toxic hydrazoic acid under acidic conditions. Dilute azide-containing compounds in running water before discarding to avoid accumulation of potentially explosive deposits in lead or copper plumbing.
    4 °C,-20 °C
  • Reiter, Threadgill, Eley, Strunk, Danielsen, Sinclair, Pearsall, Green, Yee, Lampland, Balasubramaniam, Crossley, Magnuson, James, Maihle: "Comparative genomic sequence analysis and isolation of human and mouse alternative EGFR transcripts encoding truncated receptor isoforms." in: Genomics, Vol. 71, Issue 1, pp. 1-20, (2001) (PubMed).

    Ilekis, Gariti, Niederberger, Scoccia: "Expression of a truncated epidermal growth factor receptor-like protein (TEGFR) in ovarian cancer." in: Gynecologic oncology, Vol. 65, Issue 1, pp. 36-41, (1997) (PubMed).

    Reiter, Maihle: "A 1.8 kb alternative transcript from the human epidermal growth factor receptor gene encodes a truncated form of the receptor." in: Nucleic acids research, Vol. 24, Issue 20, pp. 4050-6, (1996) (PubMed).

    Ilekis, Stark, Scoccia: "Possible role of variant RNA transcripts in the regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor expression in human placenta." in: Molecular reproduction and development, Vol. 41, Issue 2, pp. 149-56, (1995) (PubMed).

    Ullrich, Coussens, Hayflick, Dull, Gray, Tam, Lee, Yarden, Libermann, Schlessinger: "Human epidermal growth factor receptor cDNA sequence and aberrant expression of the amplified gene in A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells." in: Nature, Vol. 309, Issue 5967, pp. 418-25, (1984) (PubMed).

  • Target
    EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR))
    Andere Bezeichnung
    EGFR (EGFR Produkte)
    C-erb antikoerper, CG10079 antikoerper, D-EGFR antikoerper, D-Egf antikoerper, DEGFR antikoerper, DER antikoerper, DER flb antikoerper, DER/EGFR antikoerper, DER/faint little ball antikoerper, DER/top antikoerper, DER/torpedo antikoerper, DER1 antikoerper, DEgfr antikoerper, Degfr antikoerper, Der antikoerper, DmHD-33 antikoerper, Dmel\\CG10079 antikoerper, EFG-R antikoerper, EGF-R antikoerper, EGFR antikoerper, EGFr antikoerper, EGfr antikoerper, EK2-6 antikoerper, Egf antikoerper, Egf-r antikoerper, EgfR antikoerper, El antikoerper, Elp antikoerper, Elp-1 antikoerper, Elp-B1 antikoerper, Elp-B1RB1 antikoerper, HD-33 antikoerper, TOP antikoerper, Torpedo/DER antikoerper, Torpedo/Egfr antikoerper, c-erbB antikoerper, d-egf-r antikoerper, dEGFR antikoerper, dEGFR1 antikoerper, dEgfr antikoerper, der antikoerper, egfr antikoerper, flb antikoerper, l(2)05351 antikoerper, l(2)09261 antikoerper, l(2)57DEFa antikoerper, l(2)57EFa antikoerper, l(2)57Ea antikoerper, mor1 antikoerper, top antikoerper, top/DER antikoerper, top/flb antikoerper, torpedo/Egfr antikoerper, torpedo/egfr antikoerper, EGFR12 antikoerper, EGFR15 antikoerper, egfr1 antikoerper, Erbb2 antikoerper, ERBB antikoerper, ERBB1 antikoerper, HER1 antikoerper, PIG61 antikoerper, mENA antikoerper, ErbB-1 antikoerper, Errp antikoerper, 9030024J15Rik antikoerper, AI552599 antikoerper, Erbb antikoerper, Errb1 antikoerper, Wa5 antikoerper, wa-2 antikoerper, wa2 antikoerper, epidermal growth factor receptor antikoerper, Epidermal growth factor receptor antikoerper, epidermal growth factor receptor a (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog, avian) antikoerper, EGFR antikoerper, Egfr antikoerper, egfra antikoerper, egfr1 antikoerper, LOC5564544 antikoerper
    Receptor tyrosine kinase binding ligands of the EGF family and activating several signaling cascades to convert extracellular cues into appropriate cellular responses. Known ligands include EGF, TGFA/TGF-alpha, amphiregulin, epigen/EPGN, BTC/betacellulin, epiregulin/EREG and HBEGF/heparin-binding EGF. Ligand binding triggers receptor homo- and/or heterodimerization and autophosphorylation on key cytoplasmic residues. The phosphorylated receptor recruits adapter proteins like GRB2 which in turn activates complex downstream signaling cascades. Activates at least 4 major downstream signaling cascades including the RAS- RAF-MEK-ERK, PI3 kinase-AKT, PLCgamma-PKC and STATs modules. May also activate the NF-kappa-B signaling cascade. Also directly phosphorylates other proteins like RGS16, activating its GTPase activity and probably coupling the EGF receptor signaling to the G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Also phosphorylates MUC1 and increases its interaction with SRC and CTNNB1/beta-catenin.
    134277 Da
    NF-kappaB Signalweg, RTK Signalweg, Fc-epsilon Rezeptor Signalübertragung, EGFR Signaling Pathway, Neurotrophin Signalübertragung, Stem Cell Maintenance, Hepatitis C, Positive Regulation of Response to DNA Damage Stimulus, Interaction of EGFR with phospholipase C-gamma, Thromboxane A2 Receptor Signaling, EGFR Downregulation, S100 Proteine
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