+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

Estrogen Receptor 1 (ESR1) Peptid

ESR1 Reaktivität: Human, Ratte Wirt: Synthetic BP, WB, ICo, IDe
Produktnummer ABIN2746585
  • Target Alle Estrogen Receptor alpha (ESR1) Produkte
    Estrogen Receptor alpha (ESR1) (Estrogen Receptor 1 (ESR1))
    Human, Ratte
    • 19
    Blocking Peptide (BP), Western Blotting (WB), Immunocompetition (ICo), Immunodepletion (IDe)
    Synthetic peptide
  • Applikationshinweise
    Optimal working dilution should be determined by the investigator.

    Synonyms: ER-alpha,ESR1, Estradiol receptor antibody, Nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group A member 1 antibody

    Nur für Forschungszwecke einsetzbar
  • Format
    -20 °C
    Informationen zur Lagerung
    For long-term storage of keep at -20 °C.
  • Target
    Estrogen Receptor alpha (ESR1) (Estrogen Receptor 1 (ESR1))
    LOC398734 Peptide, AA420328 Peptide, AU041214 Peptide, ER-alpha Peptide, ER[a] Peptide, ERa Peptide, ERalpha Peptide, ESR Peptide, Estr Peptide, Estra Peptide, Nr3a1 Peptide, NR3A1 Peptide, eralpha Peptide, zfER[a] Peptide, ER Peptide, ESRA Peptide, ESTRR Peptide, Era Peptide, akap12 Peptide, cb27 Peptide, esr1 Peptide, fb72g12 Peptide, id:ibd1202 Peptide, sb:cb27 Peptide, si:ch73-192g21.1 Peptide, wu:fb72g12 Peptide, wu:fc21c03 Peptide, Esr Peptide, RNESTROR Peptide, ERALPHA Peptide, er Peptide, esr Peptide, nr3a1 Peptide, XER Peptide, era Peptide, esra Peptide, ERbeta Peptide, xesr-1 Peptide, xlERalpha1 Peptide, xlERalpha2 Peptide, ESR1 Peptide, estrogen receptor 1 L homeolog Peptide, estrogen receptor 1 (alpha) Peptide, estrogen receptor 1 Peptide, A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 12b Peptide, esr1.L Peptide, Esr1 Peptide, ESR1 Peptide, esr1 Peptide, akap12b Peptide
    Estrogen, a steroid hormone, is a key regulator of growth and differentiation in a broad range of target tissues and, it is also implicated in breast and endometrial cancer and osteoporosis. Like all steroid hormones, estrogen readily diffuses across cell membrane and binds to and activates estrogen receptors (α and β) which then up-regulate the expression of many genes. These receptors belong to the superfamily of nuclear receptors, more specifically to the family of steroid receptors that act as ligand-regulated transcription factors. The estrogen receptor (ER) is a key molecule for growth of breast cancers and is a successful target for treatment of breast cancers. Estrogen receptors mediate the pleiotropic effects of the steroid hormone estrogen on the growth, development and maintenance of a diverse range of tissues. Like other steroid hormone receptors, Estrogen Receptors are intracellular proteins which play an important role in regulating mammary gland growth and differentiation. ER positive breast tumors show a more favorable response to anti-estrogen therapies.There are two mammalian ERs (ERα and Erβ) which exhibit modular structures characteristic of the nuclear receptor superfamily. ER alpha generally functions as an activator of transcription while ER beta functions as a repressor. Estrogen Receptor alpha is a 65 kDa protein and a member of the steroid family of nuclear receptors. Estrogen Receptor alpha is a ligand-activated transcription factor that, when bound to estrogen, induces a conformational change allowing dimerization and binding to estrogen response element sequences. When bound to DNA, Estrogen Receptor alpha positively or negatively regulates gene transcription. ERα is a key regulator of mitochondrial function and metabolism essential for energy-driven cellular processes in both normal and cancer cells. It also mediates bone-derived macrophage activation by proinflammatory cytokines. Loss of ERα accelerates the development of diethyl nitrosamine (DEN)-induced hepatocellular carcinoma by promoting hepatocyte necrosis over apoptosis in response to DEN due to a deficiency in energy production. Breast cancer therapy is directed at inhibiting the transcriptional potency of ERα, either by blocking estrogen production through aromatase inhibitors or anti estrogens that compete for hormone binding. The gene for Estra is present on chromosome 6q25.1
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