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Isotyp- & andere Kontrollen

Besonders bei Verfahren, in denen Antikörper zum Einsatz kommen, ist es sehr wichtig, eine unspezifische Bindung der Primärantikörper und Sekundärantikörper durch die Verwendung von unspezifischen Isotypkontrollen auszuschließen. Auf antikoerper-online erhalten Sie mehr als 3.500 validierte Isotypkontrollen zu allen gängigen Isotypen. Auch direkt konjugierte Isotypkontrollen mit Biotin-, AP-, Alexa- und vielen weiteren Konjugaten sind verfügbar.

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2.787 Treffer :

IsoC IgG Native unconjugated
Produktnummer ABIN964331
IsoC, ELISA, WB, Ct IgG Native unconjugated
Pubmed 4 Referenzen
Produktnummer ABIN964355
Produktnummer ABIN2145381
Produktnummer ABIN2145385
Produktnummer ABIN2145389
Produktnummer ABIN2145393
IsoC IgG Native Biotin
Produktnummer ABIN964261
IsoC, ELISA, WB, IM IgG Native Texas Red (TR)
Produktnummer ABIN964265
IsoC, ELISA, WB IgG unconjugated
Produktnummer ABIN5633249
GMP Grade FACS, IsoC Monoclonal MOPC-31C IgG1 kappa FITC
Produktnummer ABIN2704381

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  • Typ Isotype Control
    • Isotype Control
  • Target
    • IgG
    • IgG1
    • IgG2a
    • IgG2b
    • IgG1, kappa
    • IgM
    • IgG2a, kappa
    • IgG2b,kappa
    • IgA
    • IgG3
    • IgM kappa
    • IgG2c
    • IgY
    • Ig Fraction
    • IgG3, kappa
    • IgG2
    • IgG2a lambda
    • Ig
    • IgG kappa
    • IgE
    • IgG1 lambda
    • IgG2a,IgG2b
    • IgA1
    • IgG4
    • IgE kappa
    • IgG1,IgG2a
    • IgG2b,IgG2a,IgG
    • Igk
    • IgA, IgG, IgM
    • IgA2
    • IgG lambda
  • Anwendung
    • Flow Cytometry (FACS)
    • Isotype Control (IsoC)
    • ELISA
    • Western Blotting (WB)
    • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
    • Immunofluorescence (IF)
    • Immunoprecipitation (IP)
    • Immunomicroscopy (IM)
    • Immunocytochemistry (ICC)
    • Immunohistochemistry (Frozen Sections) (IHC (fro))
    • Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin-embedded Sections) (IHC (p))
    • Immunofluorescence (Cultured Cells) (IF (cc))
    • Immunofluorescence (Paraffin-embedded Sections) (IF (p))
    • FLISA
    • Fluorescence Microscopy (FM)
    • Blocking Reagent (BR)
    • Biochemical Assay (BCA)
    • Negative Control (NC)
    • Immunoelectrophoresis (IEP)
    • Labeling (Lbl)
    • Dot Blot (DB)
    • Immunodiffusion (ID)
    • Immunoassay (IA)
    • Binding Studies (Bind)
    • Haemagglutination (H)
    • Intracellular Flow Cytometry (ICFC)
    • Immunohistochemistry (Formalin-fixed Sections) (IHC (f))
    • Multiplex Assay (MA)
    • Standard (STD)
    • Immunofluorescence (fixed cells) (IF/ICC)
    • Functional Studies (Func)
    • Intracellular Staining (ICS)
    • SDS-PAGE (SDS)
    • In vitro Assay (in vitro)
    • In vivo Studies (in vivo)
    • Cytotoxicity Test (CyTox)
    • Immunohistochemistry (Zinc-fixed Sections) (IHC (zinc))
    • Co-Stimulation (CoSt)
    • Cytometry by Time of Flight (CyTOF)
    • Isotyping (IsoT)
    • Cellular Assay (CA)
    • Immunochromatography (IC)
    • Microarray (MA)
    • Activation (Act)
    • Control (Ct)
    • Lateral Flow (LF)
    • Staining Methods (StM)
    • DNA Microscopy (DNA Mic)
    • Control Peptide (CP)
    • Detection (D)
    Please use search to find more...
  • Reaktivität
    • Mouse
    • Rat
    • Llama
    • Human
    • Various Species
    • Rabbit
  • In Publikationen zitiert
  • Abbildungen verfügbar
  • Preservative free only
  • Carrier free only
  • Wirt
    • Mouse
    • Rat
    • Human
    • Rabbit
    • Goat
    • Hamster
    • Sheep
    • Cow
    • Armenian Hamster
    • Horse
    • Chicken
    • Dog
    • Guinea Pig
    • Llama
    • Cat (Feline)
    • Pig
    • Donkey
    • HEK-293 Cells
    • Golden Syrian Hamster
    • Monkey
    • Turkey
    • Chicken egg
    • Rhesus Monkey
    • CHO Cells
    • Duck
    • Cynomolgus
    • Quail
  • Klonalität
    • Monoclonal
    • Polyclonal
    • Chimeric
  • Klon
    • MOPC-21
    • MPC-11
    • 2A3
    • LTF-2
    • HRPN
    • 15H6
    • C1-18-4
    • PIP
    • MOPC-173
    • HOPC-1
    • MOPC-31C
    • A-1
    • MM-30
    • RTK2118
    • B10
    • S107
    • RPC5-4
    • RTK2758
    • 11E10
    • B39-4
    • HTK888
    • RTK2071
    • RTK4530
    • KLH-G2b-1-2
    • KLH-G2a-1-1
    • SHG-1
    • A112-3
    • KLH-G1-2-2
    • CBK109
    • G2b-1-2
    • NCRBM-1520R
    • G1-2-2
    • G2a-1-1
    • RTK4174
    • PPV-07
    • G0114F7
    • M-2
    • MG1
    • NIP-M-2
    • B-Z1
    • B-Z2
    • M2A
    • M2B
    • MG3
    • MG3-35
    • SB68b
    • 3H1421
    • MCG1
    • MCG2a
    • MG2b-57
    Please use search to find more...
  • Konjugat
    • Unkonjugiert
    • FITC
    • Biotin
    • PE
    • HRP
    • APC
    • PE-Cy7
    • PE-Cy5
    • PerCP-Cy5.5
    • PerCP
    • Rhodamine
    • APC-Cy7
    • PE-Cy5.5
    • Texas Red (TR)
    • APC-Cy5.5
    • Alexa Fluor 488
    • Alexa Fluor 647
    • Alkaline Phosphatase (AP)
    • SPRD
    • Cy5
    • Cy7,PE
    • Pacific Blue
    • mFluor™540
    • Alexa Fluor 700
    • PE,Texas Red (TR)
    • FITC,PE
    • iFluor™700
    • Atto 488
    • Cy3
    • PE/Dazzle™ 594
    • mFluor™450
    • DyLight 488
    • AbBy Fluor® 350
    • AbBy Fluor® 488
    • AbBy Fluor® 555
    • AbBy Fluor® 594
    • AbBy Fluor® 647
    • AbBy Fluor® 680
    • AbBy Fluor® 750
    • Cy5.5
    • Cy7
    • DyLight 650
    • His tag
    • SureLight® R-PE
    • iFluor™488
    • iFluor™647
    • Agarose Beads
    • Alexa Fluor 594
    • Atto 647N
    • CF405M
    • Orange Cytognos 515
  • Isotyp
    • IgG
    • IgG1
    • IgG2a
    • IgG2b
    • IgM
    • IgG1 kappa
    • IgG2b kappa
    • IgG2a kappa
    • kappa
    • IgG3
    • IgA
    • Ig Fraction
    • IgM kappa
    • IgY
    • IgG2
    • IgG2c kappa
    • lambda
    • IgG kappa
    • IgG2c
    • IgE
    • IgG3 kappa
    • IgG1 lambda
    • IgA1
    • IgG2a lambda
    • IgG4
    • IgM lambda
    • IgE kappa
    • IgA2
    • IgG IgA IgM Mix
    • IgG1/IgG2a
    • IgG2 kappa
    • IgG4 kappa
  • Protein-Typ
    • Native
    • Recombinant Antibody
  • Format
    • Liquid
    • Lyophilized
    • Frozen
  • Biologische Aktivität
    • Biologically Active
  • Fragment
    • F(ab')2 fragment
    • Fab fragment
    • Fc fragment
    • Heavy chain Antibody (HcAb)
    • Fc5μ fragment
    • Allotype G2m(n+)
  • Grade
    • GMP Grade
    • MALS verified
  • Hersteller
    • antibodies-online
    • BioLegend
    • USBio
    • Elabscience
    • BD Biosciences
    • Covalab
    • Abbexa
    • Agrisera
    • Equitech-Bio
    • ProSci
    • ACROBiosystems
    • RayBiotech
    • Abeomics
    • Biotium
    • NSJ Bioreagents
    • The native Antigen Company
    • Anogen
    • Boster Bio
    • Acris
    • Cloud-Clone
    • Phoenix Europe
    • Biospes
    • Columbia Biosciences
    • Kamiya Biomedicals
    • Neuromics Antibodies
    • Tulip Biolabs
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